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Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Professor Carr holds a Holocaust workshop.
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Never Forget

The Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies in the College of Liberal Arts is the first and only academic center of its kind in Indiana to focus exclusively on the Holocaust and other genocides.

What we do.

The Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies promotes public awareness of the Holocaust and other genocides worldwide; encourages and supports scholarship, research, and teaching at Purdue im体育 Fort Wayne about the Holocaust and genocide; and promotes public participation in efforts both to confront contemporary genocide as it occurs and to engage in global genocide prevention efforts. Rather than exclusively memorialize the Holocaust, we build a vital bridge tying memorialization programming to ongoing and focused scholarship, teaching, and research about the Holocaust and other genocides.

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COLA students listen to a lecture.
Classroom with eight students sitting around a table with im体育.
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Education and outreach

Working with our community.

Our institute currently supports both educational and community opportunities to raise awareness of the Holocaust and genocide. We’ve partnered with Helmke Library and Congregation Achduth Vesholom to provide an extensive list of resources available for checkout through the library. We’ve also identified a series of current and potential courses offered in a variety of academic departments across the university, working with various departments to incorporate more courses related to Holocaust and genocide into their curriculum. Finally, we support local observances of Yom HaShoah and Holocaust Remembrance Day with the Fort Wayne Jewish Federation. 

Student types on a laptop.
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Research Support

In keeping with the purpose of the Centers of Excellence program, we will develop opportunities to recognize and advance facultyexpertise; engage undergraduate and graduate students in learning opportunities; convey the benefits of integrative academicresearch to the public; encourage multidisciplinary collaboration; and facilitate the administration of externally supported projects.
Centers of Excellence
Helmke library located on the main campus.
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Resources and Testimonials

The Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, in partnership with Helmke Library and Congregation Achduth Vesholom, now has a list of Jewish- and Holocaust-themed resources available for checkout through the library. Helmke is the only library in northeast Indiana, northwest Ohio, and southern Michigan where researchers and the public can access Spielberg’s Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive, with 55,000 video testimonies. Additionally, we have subscription access to 4,400 video testimonies of Holocaust survivors—making us a top research destination for scholars who wish to use testimony and other documentation to study the Holocaust and other genocides.
View Research Guide

Youtube Channel

Spreading awareness near and far.

Our YouTube channel hosts a recorded presentation by Irene Gut Opdyke, a Polish rescuer who visited Fort Wayne in the 1990s, and the 1991 documentary We Must Remember, featuring oral testimonies of Fort Wayne Holocaust survivors. Originally distributed by the Fort Wayne Jewish Federation and Congregation Achduth Vesholom, the documentary is now available through our YouTube channel in its complete version, as well as in segments suited for classroom use.

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Visual Arts Camp
Mastodon statue


Every little bit helps. 

While you are here, please consider donating to help us with our important work. Look for the Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies under the College of Liberal Arts.

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